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How do I charge with Intelligent Octopus Go?

Once you have completed the setup the next time you open the Ohme app, you’ll notice the tariff has been updated to Intelligent Octopus Go automatically. You’ll then get off-peak rates for dynamic charging during additional cheaper slots, even if these occur outside of the 23:30-05:30 window. With dynamic charging automatically switched on, and price cap automatically switched off, it’s simpler to make the most of your off-peak rates.

Charging screen showing the correct setup for the Intelligent Octopus Go integration.

Charging with the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff

To get the most out of the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff,  ‘Dynamic Charging’ will be automatically enabled.

You will then just need to set the amount of charge you wish to add or the target you want to reach and a ‘Ready by’ time for the next morning.

To maximise the benefits of additional half-hour off-peak slots the price cap setting will be turned off. 

screenshot of Ohme app showing the ready by time set to 8am on the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff

Please note: you’ll need to set your ready by time between 4am-11am as part of the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff requirements.

This helps Ohme and Octopus to find the cheapest and greenest times to charge your vehicle and allows us to balance the grid in our mission for energy flexibility!

For more information, please see the Octopus site here: Intelligent Octopus & Ohme FAQs | Octopus Energy

To ensure every session is a smart charge and recorded correctly, check your charger is online before plugin via the charger icon in the top right corner of the Charging screen. This makes sure Ohme can record your charging sessions and send the charging data to Octopus for billing purposes. If you notice your charger is offline, follow this help centre article to restore connectivity: My charger is offline

charging schedule with Ohme upon plugin

Upon plugin, you’ll be able to see the charging slots Ohme plans to deliver your charge in. Depending on what time Ohme is scheduled to charge you may either see ‘Scheduled’ or ‘Smart charging’ in the status banner.

Please note: Ohme may schedule charging outside of the 11:30pm-05:30am window with the Price Cap disabled. This is so Octopus and Ohme can make use of additional off-peak slots throughout the evening. 

For more information, refer to the Octopus Energy Intelligent Octopus Go FAQs.

Estimated cost for IOG users

Estimated Total Cost

If you’re on the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff, you may see an estimated cost that is higher than you might expect. This is because Ohme will initially estimate the cost based on the peak price, rather than the lower rate for smart charging.

The charging cost will be updated to a more accurate estimate in your “Usage” page at the end of the session, once we’ve confirmed if the session was a “Smart Charge”, or a Max Charge outside the scheduled hours.

Please be advised, Ohme will never bill you for your electricity, and our charging costs are estimates only. For any concerns related to the billing of your electricity/charging, we recommend reaching out to Octopus directly.

The Charging screen with a Max Charge session in progress

A pink status banner with ‘Max Charging’ means a boost charge is happening, which is billed at the peak rate unless it’s between 11:30pm and 5:30am. Tap the ‘Smart Charge’ button to end the Max charge.

How to charge with Intelligent Octopus Go and Solar Batteries

At this time, Ohme cannot distinguish between power from solar power and power from your home battery. Therefore, if your battery is set to release energy when you plug in your car, the charger might use that instead of solar energy.
To keep your battery full for when you need it, here’s what you can do:

  • Change the battery settings so it isn’t set to discharge while you’re charging your car.
  • Schedule the battery (if it has this feature) to hold onto its charge during your usual car charging times.
  • Switch off the battery manually when you plug in your car, and turn it back on after you unplug.

This way, you can save the stored energy for later and keep dynamically charging your car with the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff.

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