What is the eligibility survey?
The eligibility survey takes less than 5mins and is the start of the process. It provides us with information to confirm you are eligible for an Ohme charger under UK or Republic of Ireland restrictions, as well as whether you might be eligible for any grants for your installation.
This survey includes confirmation of a driveway/off-street parking, what type of property you have and where abouts you would like the charger to be installed. This part will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
After the eligibility survey has been completed, the next stage is to choose which charger you would like. We have two different chargers available. See this page to compare the two and see which might suit you best. Our chargers – Ohme EV (ohme-ev.com)
What is the home survey?
Once you have selected your charger, the next step is to tell us about your home and where you want your charger installed. We call this our ‘home survey’. Most customers complete their home survey online in about 20-30 minutes, but we are also able to arrange for an engineer to visit your property and complete this on your behalf if you would rather. Please find link below for help on how to complete the home survey. How do I complete my online home survey? – Ohme EV (ohme-ev.com)
What happens after the home survey?
Once you have submitted your home survey, our installation experts will review it and plan your installation. Occasionally we might reach out to ask for some clarifying information so best to keep an eye out for an email or call from us.
Once we have all the information we need, your details are shared with one of our installation partners who will contact you to arrange your installation.
After submitting your home survey, you should hear from either us or your installer inside 7 days.