Useful information for landlords, local councils, and housing associations
This article answers the most common questions asked by landlords, local councils and housing associations if their tenants request permission to install an Ohme EV charger.
Jump to other FAQs asked by landlords:
What work will be done?
Most installations are ‘standard’ installations, see this article to see the scope of a standard installation.
If we see that yours is a ‘custom’ installation, then we’ll let you know once you have submitted your survey. ‘Custom’ installations occur in instances of long or complicated runs of cable to the charger, or if upgrades are required to your home electrical setup.
What happens once we have all the information needed to plan your installation?
Once you have completed your survey, we will pair you with one of our trusted third-party installers, this will be determined by which installer has the best availability in your area.
All of the installers we partner with are accredited by either NICEIC or NAPIT and their installations completed in line with 18th Edition IET Wiring Regulations (BS 7671).
Who will inform the relevant organisations about your installation? Ohme and our installers will take care of informing your District Network Operator that an EV charger is being installed and will send you an Electrical Certificate of the works completed within 30 days of installation. For more information about DNOs, see this article.
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