What happens with new car sales and EVs in 2030?
With the Government announcement, 2030 is a date you might have seen quoted a lot when it comes to electric cars.
Previously, the plan was that from 1st January 2030, sales of new cars and vans that were only powered by a petrol or diesel engine would no longer be allowed. However, plug-hybrids could continue to be sold if they were capable of a certain distance.
This is the rule that the Prime Minister’s announcement on Wednesday 20 September has effectively dropped, while the 2035 ruling on fully-electric cars remains the same.
What happens with new car sales and EVs in 2035?
While the 2030 date has changed, the 2035 ruling date remains unchanged from before and from 2035 onwards car manufacturers will only be able to sell purely electric vehicles.
So what happens between now and 2035? Given the costs in developing new cars, the reality is that more and more manufacturers will naturally grow their electric model ranges before then – Citroen, Vauxhall and Peugeot have already said that they will have fully electric ranges by 2028. Every new Ford will also be electric by 2030.
So many manufacturers are already planning to be ahead of that fully electric 2035 date by some margin.