

How to use cabin preconditioning in the Ohme App

Some vehicles may have climate control settings that allow you to warm or cool the cabin of your car before setting off on a journey. These ‘preconditioning’ settings can drain some of the car’s battery power, however, and might mean the car battery isn’t as full as expected at the end of charging.

To help keep your battery full when climate control settings are on in the vehicle, you can enable a feature called ‘Cabin preconditioning’ in your Ohme app, either as part of your dynamic charging plan, or as part of a repeated schedule (‘Routines’). This can be found on the main ‘Charging page’, or within a Routine – you will need to have ‘Dynamic charging’ turned on to see this.

With Cabin preconditioning enabled, the Ohme charger will add a boost of charge at the end of the charging session in order to top up any battery loss caused by climate control settings within the vehicle.

Please note, Ohme is currently unable to set these climate controls directly and this will need to be managed via the vehicle’s app or from inside the vehicle itself.

Once enabled, you will need to set a duration for the preconditioning, up to 60 minutes. This will be the length of time Ohme will schedule to add this boost of charge to your car before your ‘Ready by’ time, and should typically match the duration of your climate control settings in your vehicle.

For example, if you have set your climate controls to warm your car up between 7:30am – 8:00am, we would recommend setting your ‘Ready by’ time to 8:00am, and the Cabin preconditioning duration to 30 minutes.

If there is no battery loss for the Ohme charger to top up, you may find that this preconditioning setting does not add any further charge to the vehicle. This is because Ohme cannot charge the vehicle over its maximum battery limit.

Finally, it’s important to note that Ohme will ignore your price cap setting if needed, to allow for cabin preconditioning before your ‘Ready by’ time. This therefore means you may be charged more for preconditioning charging during your peak hours depending on your tariff. For example, if the ‘Ready by’ time is set to 8:00am and cabin preconditioning set to 30 minutes, Ohme will schedule to begin charging again around 7:30am, even if the off-peak window of your tariff ends earlier than this. This is to make sure Ohme meets your cabin preconditioning requirements and keeps your battery topped up for when you need it.

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