

How to change my charger in the Ohme App

If your charger has been replaced, you do not need to delete your Ohme account and set up a new one with the new charger. Instead, you can simply change the charger the existing account is linked to.

Please use the following steps to change the charger linked to your Ohme account:

  1. Open the Ohme app
  2. Tap ‘Settings’ in the bottom right corner
  3. Navigate to ‘My Charger’
  4. Tap Advanced settings
  5. At the bottom of that list, you will see ‘Change charger’
  6. Follow the prompts to scan your new charger’s QR code or enter the device ID manually (this will often start with ‘ohmeaxxxxxx’)

Your new charger is now linked to your Ohme app account.

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