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[legacy] How do I set up Intelligent Octopus?

Person using the Ohme app

Integrating your Ohme account with the Intelligent Octopus tariff will ensure you get super cheap electricity for any Smart Charging.

There are two ways to integrate with the Intelligent Octopus tariff, with your car or with your charger. For everyone with an Ohme charger we would recommend integrating with your charger via your Ohme account. If you would prefer to integrate with your car, your Ohme account will need to be unlinked from the charger to ensure Ohme doesn’t interrupt the charge. This can be done either by deleting your Ohme account or by submitting a request to the Ohme Team for the account to be unlinked.

Here, we’ll take a look at:

How to integrate the Intelligent Octopus tariff with your Ohme account

Intelligent Octopus app integration screen

Step 1

To start the process of integrating your Ohme account with the Intelligent Octopus tariff, open the Octopus Energy app and tap the Get started button on the Home tab.

Step 2

When you’re asked which device you would like to integrate with, we recommend everyone with an Ohme charger selects Chargers to integrate with their Ohme app account.

If you have a compatible EV and you would like to integrate with your car directly, you’ll need to request for your Ohme account to be deleted to allow the Octopus Energy app to control when the car charges.

App login screen

Step 3

You’ll need to complete the following information:

  • The model of charger you have installed
  • Which car you will be charging (if you have multiple cars, you can switch car profiles in the Ohme app)

Then, you’ll need to log into the portal shown using the email address and password you use to log into the Ohme app. If you created your Ohme account using an existing Google, Facebook or Apple ID, use the corresponding link below to log in. Once you’re logged in you will need to Confirm Authentication to allow the connection to Octopus Energy.

Account authentication app screen

Step 4

You’ll need to confirm you’re happy to authenticate Octopus using your Ohme credentials.

Octopus energy app screen

Step 5

Once you’ve hit confirm, you’ll be taken back to the Octopus Energy app. The final step is to test the connection by pressing ‘Test connection’.

Octopus energy app screen

Step 6

Tap the pink ‘Test connection’ button to start the test. Note, there is no need to plug your EV in to test the connection.

Octopus Energy app screen

Step 7

Once you’ve completed the integration, you’ll see a new tab appear in the Octopus Energy app called Devices. If you’ve integrated with your Ohme account, you’ll see that this page informs you to open the Ohme app to control and schedule charges.

My Energy screen from the Ohme app

Step 8

When you open the Ohme app, you’ll notice the tariff has been updated to Intelligent Octopus automatically.

Charge Schedule screen from the Ohme app

Step 9

In order to get the most out of the Intelligent Octopus tariff, you’ll need to have an active Charge Schedule with the departure time set for the following morning.

My Charger screen from the Ohme app

Step 10

Before you plug in, check the Ohme charger is online in the My Charger page of the Ohme app

Blue smart charging dashboard from the Ohme app

Step 11

A few moments after you have plugged in, you’ll see the Ohme app Dashboard turn blue with Smart Charging at the top of the screen and the name of your schedule underneath. This confirms all of the charge Ohme has scheduled will be billed at the off-peak rate.

Intelligent Octopus schedule notifications for iOS

iPhone notification centre with Ohme Intelligent Octopus notification

Notification received

Plugging in and starting a new session will trigger a notification that shows when Ohme is scheduled to charge.

Hold your finger on the notification to ‘peek’ and read the notification in full, including all times Ohme has scheduled to charge.

iPhone notification centre with Ohme Intelligent Octopus notification

Notification opened

Once the notification has been seen it will disappear. To see the notification again unplug for 10 seconds and plug in again. This will start a new session and trigger a new notification.

If the charger is left plugged in more than three hours after the finish time of the current session, Ohme’s ‘Multi-day charging’ feature will automatically start a new session and will carry over all settings. A new notification will be triggered at this time for you to see when Ohme is scheduled to charge.

Intelligent Octopus schedule notifications for Android

Android phone notification centre with Ohme Intelligent Octopus notification

Notification received

Plugging in and starting a new session will trigger a notification that shows when Ohme is scheduled to charge.

The times will be displayed in your device’s notifications.

Blue smart charging dashboard of Ohme app showing Intelligent Octopus notification

Notification opened

You’ll also see the times displayed on the Dashboard page of the Ohme app.

Once the notification has been seen it will disappear. To see the notification again unplug for 10 seconds and plug in again. This will start a new session and trigger a new notification.

How to disconnect and change tariff

Ohme app screen showing Intelligent Octopus tariff

Disconnect via the Octopus Energy app

Once you’ve integrated your Ohme account with the Intelligent Octopus tariff, you’ll find you can no longer change or update your tariff in the Ohme app.

If you have left the Intelligent Octopus tariff and wish to change or update your tariff, you’ll first need to disconnect the Ohme integration. This can be done in the settings of the Octopus Energy app.

After you’ve been disconnected, you’ll be able to change and update your tariff in the Ohme app.

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