

Explore: Advanced Settings

If you’d like to find further details about the settings of your charger, including the Charger ID, firmware, and configuration settings, these can be found on the Advanced Settings page. In the Ohme App, tap Settings > My Charger > Advanced Settings to access this page.

  1. The serial number, or device ID, for the Ohme charger currently linked to your account. This should match the serial number on the white sticker underneath your Ohme charger.

  2. The current firmware version of the charger.

  3. The maximum charging speed the charger can deliver (in Amps). Please note the maximum speed cannot be set higher than 32A.

  4. The reading from the CT Clamp (if fitted). This will update each time the page is refreshed, to show the reading at the time the page is loaded.

  5. Load Balancing setting turned on or off. This will be decided by your installer and will require their assistance to enable/disable.

  6. Load balancing limit (set by your installer, typically to match the size of property fuse).

  1. Enable configuration requests – this can be toggled on or off, depending on whether you would like installers to request access to make changes to your chargers configuration settings.

  2. Change charger, allowing you to link your Ohme account to a different Ohme charger.

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