

Mijn lader is offline

Person standing next to a blue EV with the Ohme Home Pro on the wall behind

Als je lader offline lijkt te zijn of als er iets niet klopt op het display van je lader, kun je het beste beginnen met een restart.

Om een Ohme-lader uit te schakelen, moet je het volgende doen:

  1. Zoek de stroomonderbreker waarop je lader is aangesloten. Deze bevindt zich meestal in je hoofdschakelaar (ook bekend als zekeringkast) of het kan geïnstalleerd zijn als een aparte schakelaar. Je installateur heeft de schakelaar waarschijnlijk gelabeld, dus kijk uit naar ‘EV-lader’ of iets dergelijks.
  2. Trek de schakelaar naar beneden in de OFF-stand om de lader uit te schakelen en wacht 10 seconden. Zo kan de resterende stroom wegvloeien en wordt de lader volledig uitgeschakeld.
  3. Als je de schakelaar weer in de stand ON zet, kan het een minuut duren voordat de lader weer is ingeschakeld.

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Note: Ohme Go chargers are unplugged after every use, so they shouldn’t require a powercycle. If your Ohme Go charger is offline or having trouble connecting to the server, please contact the Ohme Team.

Powercycling your Ohme Home

Ohme Home charger display screen

Check your Ohme Home screen

Follow the steps above. A successful connection will be confirmed by the highlighted connectivity symbols located in the top right-hand corner of the display screen.

My Charger screen from the Ohme app showing Ohme Home connected

Check My Charger app screen

You’ll also be able to see if your charger is connected on the My Charger page of the Ohme app.

Powercycling your Ohme Home Pro

Approve plug in setting in My Charger section of the Ohme app

Check My Charger app screen

Follow the steps above. You’ll be able to see if your charger is connected on the My Charger page of the Ohme app.

Delay charging on the Ohme Home Pro

Step 1

If your charger goes offline, Ohme will default to charging right away. On the Ohme Home Pro, you can use the charger buttons to delay charging. This feature was introduced as part of the latest smart charger regulations.

Tap ‘Delay Charge’ to choose how long you’d like Ohme to wait to start charging.

Delay charge screen on the Ohme Home Pro

Step 2

Use the Ohme Home Pro buttons to increase of decrease the delay in 30 minute increments.

Delay charging screen from the Ohme Home Pro

Step 3

Once the charge has been delayed, you’ll see ‘Delayed Charging’ in the top left, with ‘Delayed until’ showing you what time Ohme is due to start charging.

Delay charge screen on Ohme Home Pro

Step 4

To cancel the delay, tap ‘Start Charge’.
To amend the delay, tap ‘Delay Charge’.

When charging is paused, you’ll see
‘Charging Paused’ in the top left and
‘Charging Stopped’ under the session

Powercycling your Ohme ePod

My charger screen from the ohme app showing epod charger

Hard reboot

Follow the steps above to powercycle your Ohme ePod. This is sometimes referred to as a hard reboot. You’ll be able to see if your charger is connected on the My Charger page of the Ohme app.

Ohme epod ev charger

Soft reboot

You can also perform a ‘soft reboot’. To do so, hold down the stop button on your Ohme ePod for 5 seconds. If this doesn’t restore your connection, powercycling as per the steps above should get you back online.

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